[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The festival was organised by Kivulini Trust and took place in Kalacha, Kenya, on 14-15 April 2012 with the support of a number of partners, including The Christensen Fund and the Indigenous Partnership. The festival gathered representatives from almost all the communities in northern Kenya, such as the El-Molo, Gabbra, Rendille, Boran, Konso, Burji, Waata, Saakuye Turkana and Daasanach. The festival was also attended by senior government officials including the Minister for Northern Kenya, his Assistant Minister and the Member of Parliament for North Horr.

The Kalacha festival was highly successful and made a positive contribution to the promotion of community empowerment, social harmony, national integration and social-economic development in the region. In addition to singing, dancing and showcasing their food diversities, the festival was also an opportunity for communities to discuss common problems affecting their culture, indigenous knowledge and resources. In total about 1000 people attended the festival.
To learn more… Blind Development (Slow Food International) Documentary Video Kalacha Music Festival (TikurAnbesa’s youtube channel)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]