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Traditional Honey harvest- Hinladnai - H


Bringing together Indigenous knowledge about pollinators and practical scientific knowledge about pollination servives. 

Indigenous communities have had a timeless understanding of Pollinators as essentials in sustaining food, nutrition, medicinal and cultural securities. Pollinators such as bees, birds and bats affect 35% of the world’s crop production, increasing outputs of 75% of the leading food crops worldwide. Keeping this in mind, pollinators were recognized by the Indigenous Partnership as extremely important to biodiversity and hence it supported the creation of a pollination network which brings together a variety of organisations as Keystone Foundation (India), Slow Food International (Italy), Kivulini Trust (Kenya) and Ogiek Peoples Development Project (Kenya). In this framework, three meetings in Kotagiri, Ogiek and Nairobi have been organized to facilitate ideas exchanges and to reinforce cooperation among the partners.

Later, other events such as International meetings with local communities and indigenous food festivals as part of the Slow Food movement took on as efforts of the network which then organically groomed a space for the Pollinators Network initiative with the support of FAO. FAO is supporting initiatives on pollination services and focus studies on pollination deficits in many parts of the world, using criteria as floral and insects density and recognizing, through a Plan of Action, the importance of Indigenous Peoples knowledge on pollination in biodiversity preservation. Through this plan FAO is highlighting the crucial role that indigenous peoples should play in proposing best practices useful to assessing pollination deficits. An FAO’s pollinator deficit protocol training was conducted in Community Production Centre in Bangalapadigai village (India) on August 2013. Following this its partner agencies have set up local Pollinators Network which shares and encourages the protection of these specifies and livelihoods associated with them.


TIP promotes the work of dynamic and innovative change makers from indigenous peoples’ communities and their allies to defend and champion Indigenous Food Systems as a means to spark joy, community health and wellbeing, food sovereignty, climate resilience, and peace around the world. 

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