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Jul 17, 2019
Fellows walk away with unparalleled knowledge and experiences
After a fruitful Fellowship programme, the Fellows bid goodbye to Rome and head back to their communities with unforgettable memories,...

Jul 10, 2019
Gen-Y of matriarchal societies to shape and revitalise their Indigenous Food Systems
As part of the Fellowship Programme, on 10th July, 2019, the Fellows visited the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Headquarters in...

Jul 8, 2019
A day at the WFP Headquarters: Fellows gain insights about nutrition in conflict-ridden areas
The Fellows visited the World Food Programme (WFP) headquarters to have a closer look at the work done by WFP and to understand how...

Jul 5, 2019
The Fellows formulated community-specific work plans based on the VIPP methodology
Learning through personal experiences and resources always goes down better as compared to a one-way training. Over the span of 2 days,...

Jul 3, 2019
Designing a roadmap to funding with the aid of the concept of systems thinking
Over the 3-day long session, the Fellows were oriented on the concept of system thinking and logframe training that they can take back to...

Jun 28, 2019
Day 8 in Rome: Fellows learn the value chain approach to promote NUS products
Neglected and Underutilised Species (NUS) have been overlooked by research and policy makers over crops that have greater demand....

Jun 27, 2019
Day 7 in Rome: The Fellows are inundated about indigenous peoples’ rights
The local and indigenous communities and farmers of all regions of the world have made enormous contributions to food and agriculture...

Jun 26, 2019
Day 6 in Rome: Fellows identify around 12 wild edible plants during an ABD walk
On 26th June, 2019, the Fellows, along with their new found friends in Rome, went for an agrobiodiversity walk to Giulianello which is 51...

Jun 25, 2019
Day 5 in Rome: The Fellows learnt about the promotion of neglected & underutilised species
A sharing session on Neglected and Underutlised Species (NUS) and Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition (BFN) was held on 25th June at...

Jun 24, 2019
Day 4 in Rome: Session on landscape approaches for biodiversity conservation and livelihoods improve
As part of the Fellowship programme, Fellows were asked to profile their own indigenous food systems before they come for the training...

Jun 22, 2019
Day 3 in Rome: Fellows visit the Campagna Amica farmers’ market
With the support of new found friends in Bioversity International: Martina, Eliot and Arturo, the TIP Fellows visited a Farmers’ Market...

Jun 21, 2019
Day 2 in Rome: TIP and Procasur explore possibilities of a future collaboration
The 2nd day of the TIP Youth Fellowship programme in Rome was highlighted by the visit to the IFAD Headquarters in Rome, Italy. The...

Jun 20, 2019
Day 1 in Rome: The Fellows visit Bioversity International
Sessions: Sadhana Forest Reforestation Project by Arturo Turillazzi, from Italy, MSc Human Development and Food Security. Short brief on...

Jun 19, 2019
The Fellows proceed to Rome for the 2nd leg of the Youth Fellowship 2019
Over the month long stay at Rome, the Fellows will meet with various industry experts who will brief them on crucial topics including the...

May 30, 2019
TIP Fellows 2019 exchange ideas during a three-day work retreat at Meghalaya
30th May 2019Shillong, MeghalayaThe TIP Fellows 2019 joined the NESFAS Team and partners SSC (Social Service Centre) and SURE (Society...

May 22, 2019
Fellows attended the celebration of the International Day for Biological Diversity at NESFAS
Phrang Roy, Chairman, NESFAS, addressing the attendees NESFAS celebrated the International Day for Biological Diversity by hosting...

May 20, 2019
NESFAS inaugurates the 2nd edition of the TIP Youth Fellowship Programme
20 May, 2019Shillong, Meghalaya Meghalaya welcomed indigenous youth from around the world for The Indigenous Partnership (TIP) Youth...

May 17, 2019
Interaction and cultural diversity: Key drivers of the Fellowship Programme
Meet a Mentor The journey of TIP Youth Fellowships is not just about the young minds and their communities, but a selection of sensitised...

May 6, 2019
The TIP Youth Fellowship Programme: A tool of empowerment for the youth
Pius Ranee, Associate, NESFAS, and Fellow at the TIP Youth Fellowship Programme 2017, shares his experiences from the pilot Programme of...

Mar 11, 2019
TIP International Youth Fellowship Programme 2017
August 2017 saw the initiation of the TIP- International Youth Fellowship Programme 2017 in Rome, Italy. Supported by The Christensen...

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