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Jul 17, 2019
Fellows walk away with unparalleled knowledge and experiences
After a fruitful Fellowship programme, the Fellows bid goodbye to Rome and head back to their communities with unforgettable memories,...

Jul 10, 2019
Gen-Y of matriarchal societies to shape and revitalise their Indigenous Food Systems
As part of the Fellowship Programme, on 10th July, 2019, the Fellows visited the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Headquarters in...

Jun 25, 2019
Day 5 in Rome: The Fellows learnt about the promotion of neglected & underutilised species
A sharing session on Neglected and Underutlised Species (NUS) and Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition (BFN) was held on 25th June at...

Jun 20, 2019
Day 1 in Rome: The Fellows visit Bioversity International
Sessions: Sadhana Forest Reforestation Project by Arturo Turillazzi, from Italy, MSc Human Development and Food Security. Short brief on...

Jun 19, 2019
The Fellows proceed to Rome for the 2nd leg of the Youth Fellowship 2019
Over the month long stay at Rome, the Fellows will meet with various industry experts who will brief them on crucial topics including the...

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